Preventing Insect Bites

One effective way to prevent insect bites is to use insect repellent when going outside to play. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recommended using insect repellents that have been registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (use this tool to help find the best repellents for you). Many of the recommended products contain ingredients such as DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus. When applying repellent to your child’s skin, keep in mind children under the age of 2 years old may have more sensitivity to some of these products, so repellent should be applied sparingly. Products containing oil of lemon eucalyptus or para-methane-diol should not be used on children under the age of 3 years old. 

When applying bug spray, it should only be applied to exposed skin and on the outside of clothing. Insect repellent does not need to be applied under clothing, and using excessive amounts of the product does not make it more effective, but can lead to irritation of the skin or your child inhaling large amounts of spray. When applying bug spray, be sure to do so in open areas to prevent breathing in high concentrations of the product and do not spray it directly onto the face. Avoid applying repellent to irritated skin or cuts/scratches and do not apply to the palms of hands. Insect repellent can also be found in the form of lotions or sticks if spray is not preferred. 

In addition to using repellent, there are a few other ways to prevent insect bites. When going outdoors, dress your child in lightweight clothes that cover their skin such as pants, long sleeved shirts, socks, and closed shoes. Avoid scented soaps, lotions, or sprays, as these can attract more insects to your child. Mosquito nets and fans can be used on strollers or outdoor eating and sitting areas. When possible, avoid areas that might attract larger populations of insects, such as standing water, flower beds, and garbage cans. After spending time outdoors, be sure to conduct a full body tick check and remove any ticks you may find that have attached to your child’s body (view recommendations for tick removal here). 

If you have concerns about an insect bite or unknown rash, call our office to schedule an appointment with one of our providers!

Healthy Children. (June 21, 2024). How to Choose and Insect Repellent for Your Child.

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13880 Braddock Road Suite 201 Centreville, VA 20121

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Union Mill Pediatrics


8:00 am-7:00 pm


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8:00 am-6:00 pm


Call For Saturday Triage Service: 8:30-10:00

